
What is Your Favourite Genre?

Online jegyvásárlás

What is Your Favourite Genre?

Esti program
2024. július 12.

18:00 - 18:45

Időtartam: 45 min
Maximális létszám: 25 persons
Programdíj: 2000 HUF supplementary ticket + admission ticket for the permanent exhibition

While history painting and portraiture were given an important role already in Renaissance society, genre scenes, landscape, and still life received recognition only in later times. Over the centuries, there has been much debate over whether there is a natural hierarchy among them. What’s your opinion?
The talk will be given by Edina Deme, art historian and museum educator.


The programme can be visited with an supplementary ticket of HUF 2000 purchased with the permanent exhibition ticket.

You can save money with the MFAB Annual Ticket
Come more, see more, explore more. The MFAB Annual Ticket holders only need to buy the supplementary ticket, as they already have admission to the permanent exhibitions.

Please check in advance the admission rules on the museum’s website: https://www.szepmuveszeti.hu/latogatasi-szabalyok/

A limited number of tickets are available on site.

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